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Great that you are here!

Welcome to a world

where collaboration is an art form

and stories become a collective expression.


At Mountain & Wave Stories

each story is a journey into the depths of humanity and our connection to nature.


Janika Kamm Founder

Behind Mountain & Wave Stories is me, Janika.

I coordinate every new project and put together a suitable team for the realization, or I join your project team.

Behind every story, every film and every visual experience is a network of like-minded filmmakers and creatives. The vision is to tell stories that not only mobilize images, but people.

Mountain & Wave Stories represents not only my own creative journey, but also the impressive talent and collective creativity of a network of filmmakers that enriches the vision of each story.

The world needs more films that inspire the courage to create positive change while preserving what defines our community: Empathy & Courage. 

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The power of collaboration

One of the keys to success lies in the strength of our community. A network of talented filmmakers, cinematographers, editors and creatives forms the backbone of Mountain & Wave Stories. Team work, makes the dream work.


Each project is enriched by the diversity of perspectives, expertise and passion of each individual.

Why collaboration matters:

For me, collaboration is not only a strength, but the key to truly extraordinary stories. Everyone on the team brings their own talents and perspectives to create a rich narrative that goes beyond the visual.


I would like to commission a film:

Who we address

Mountain & Wave Stories is aimed at diverse partners.

Whether you're a Brand, NGO, a club or athlete looking to commission a full film and book a dedicated team,

or a film production company who is looking for a concept designer, camerawoman or editor - we are here to transform your vision into moving stories.

I'm looking for a member 
for my film team:

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