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Mubarak Mohammadi_COPYRIGHT JANIKA KAMM-3.jpg
Afghanistan 2021 -  After years of continuous change, to which many women in Afghanistan have contributed, the Taliban have taken control. The country that Mubaraka Mohammadi and three other women poured their dreams, hopes and work into is no longer the same. They have to flee and are separated from their families. Will they get back together? How do they survive this disruption?

Why this film?

"Where is Freedom" is not just a film project for me, it is a deep emotional connection to the inspiring women at its center. This connection came from my own passionate love of sport, which allowed me to understand the power of sport on self-confidence and the unwavering spirit of its protagonists. Each story tells us about the highs and lows of life on the run. My emotional connection goes far beyond the camera - it's an obligation for me to share their stories with the world.

Status: pre-production

We are in the exciting pre-production phase of our film and have already completed inspiring test shoots. But time is running out, because the lives of the protagonists are progressing faster than we can write.

My deep emotional connection to Mubaraka, Zainab and Zakia's stories about sport gave birth to this project. I am proud to have already achieved success in pre-production, but I also know that there is still a long way to go.

We invite, to become part of this moving project and support the stories of these strong women.

Why support?

  • Emotional connection: Our personal identification through sport creates a unique connection to the protagonists.

  • Urgency: Women's lives are moving forward, and we want to capture their stories in time.

  • Pre-production achievements: Successful test shoots show that we are already actively working on the project.

  • Social relevance: Your contribution will help raise awareness of the challenges women face in Afghanistan.

Request an exposé, treatment and trailer and find out more about the project.

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