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A film
about your story

"In every story we tell, we see the opportunity to shape identities and work together to transform your vision into resonating images

- from the initial idea to the final cut."

What can stories do?

A carefully told story creates an emotional connection with people who share your values, goals and vision - be it a company, an NGO or an inspiring individual.

Stories not only create relevance, but also an unforgettable identity.

How do we help with this?
How does the collaboration work?


Engage in conversation

We get to know you first in order to get a feel for the core of your story. We ask the right questions to give your vision structure and an initial shape. (Initial consultation free of charge.)



Based on the needs expressed, we budget the project and offer modular options so that you can decide on an implementation variant.


Creative Conception.

his step forms the foundation on which we build. This is where the dramaturgy is constructed, the aesthetics planned. Close consultation with you is important here. Short conversations are held with the people to be filmed in order to discover the moments and aspects that will make your message authentic and effective.


Shooting Schedule.

From the selection of filming locations, possible permits and dates, to the coordination of the team - every step is carefully planned. 



This is where the memory cards are filled and the components of the story are made. Cameras are rolling!


Postproduction & Feedback.

In the editing process, each frame is optimized to bring out the essence of your vision. After an initial feedback loop on the editing, the color correction and sound design add to the film the desired mood and atmosphere.



Your feedback in a final feedback loop is important to us in order to make any adjustments.

Finally, we proudly present the work to you. You will receive the film in the desired formats and you can start making the story visible on your channels.

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